Sunday, March 9, 2008

What, makes, a poet be?

from a-d l-n
to givengett....
date Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 3:54 AM
subject Nu are you really a poet

wishers , well as we bury our thoughts in the dell and spell out our drams that begin with E...
Can , can that ugly word can will spell our phantoms as lost hours spent dreaming of our place buried upon this firmament tracing fingers using lies to uncover the passions
within our Eyes, so e is my favorite letter tonight ,
do not take fright ,if I say please will it be allright?


hmmm, she thinks out loud
as if spoken, the words in her head
{like prophets do} too,
or also, wondering
with a certain light reflection
on this question
posed in verse by one
a-d l-n
wit or win?
what do you think of
full identification?

What does one do
to a poet be?
publish or perish
or just write it down?
quote the right sources
and be quoted in return?
join forums, attend meetings
win prizes postings sessions
for sonnets, free verse,
(in) rhyme?

re-connect to an ancient liturgy
join the choir, congregation?
recognize the power of song
spelled out in full?
name names, the antithesis of the McCarthy artist heroes
or to present a series of degrees, displayed,
from the feet up,
standing on one's head
that is,
Jacob's Ladder

sign{s} of life
or of on-going
a multitude of eeee's,
none, other, none other
than various repetitions
called verse, or rhythm
comes from them?

yet thank you for asking,
for the blip a re-making of
my daily microde
song of songs
Now, one from me:
Please do tell us,
who but an Englishman would employ words 'dell' or 'dram' ?
maybe word-lover, Thesarus--UK version--

or thought-tinker, w the H
returned of Hashem,
giving respectful nod to B'tzelem,
& the recent,
in Parsha count, that is,
completion of Shmot,
of the Mishcan
Bezalel, part of each of us, joined, elevated,
inviting the Shecheinah to earth,
to return to us,
on to Vayikra

or 'take fright'
not !
nortI, no hours dreaming of burial
upon this firmament
rather ponder and explore : who but the creator author
could know, nee these thousands of years ago,
that from earth we were made,
although any common observer knows that to earth do we return
via the smaller crawling worms, insects, and bacteria
which make up 99.99 percent of life
on this planet

and when we go, it is either
with body intact or
in various and sundry pieces
those, only to be made whole again
by the coming of the Mashiach
broken vessel, mended

& I, for one, am awed by the
passions expressed
in the breath
the power of soul
the poet in me outed?

not to compare with the (illusion of the ) eyes
which may say more when closed,
then, give full tribute to their frame,
while breath is vehicle for soul
animate, itself
sign of life
and here, I admit, that I quote

so , to re-call Vayikra
new week and Book
and month, Adar
what from this e-conversation,
might be concluded ?

that beauty is in the eyes, and ears,
of beholder
beekeeper, tending that planet wide pollinator
beloved, of G()d
and of those two-legged soul-minders
what we call
human beings
divinity envesseled, kept for awhile inside
an animal body
(some more than others)

time flies
& I am already in debt to this life's
Got to pay the piper,
and the rent
or rent, garment or other
tear ables,

thus, to make a long story
did this
in any which way
answer your original question?
or, say, ahah! to
feel free form of banter
of rephrased
giving respect to rhythm
of sound of sound
gaining meaning
in hearing the
reading or

or what

hmmm, she thinks out loud

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