Monday, July 7, 2008

Thank~full. new be(e)ginning

First thanks to Hashem for all, for every kind offer,
which I i accept w hope

No excuses, but . . . .
yes, "but" usually does
signal a sea change -
i submit that
My own life has been
like trampoline
the physical image is
more like
tossed in the air
on a semi-elastic blanket
held taut and raised at
the exact
to ensure maximum height,
and optimum support.
Four people, strong, thoughtful, responsible, experienced,
...great fun for the child self, as, geometrically generates
all sorts of ways, to be propelled
upward airborne and to land
on the elastic surface
knowing that those corners will not fail me, are being held tight.
In short: faith grows with imagination and experience,
but not always as expected,
or planned.