Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A thoughtful anon single's unknowing haiku on age difference in finding one's b'shert (mat{c}h made in Heaven).
his linearity was sound sculpted herein revealing . . . .

Your profile is very nice,
and the photos are lovely.
I wish I were
15 years younger.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

To G()d's unborn children. For teamster on FRUMSTER

as if, caught unawares,
the eyes have it, as if
giving way to soul and translucent being
when it is the voice that sings the soul,

and you, faceless
"faceless bureaucrat - picture available?"
if so,
then do
kindly send, to givengett@gmail.com
or make me privy to the password,
(still) protected

for if not for me, then perhaps for another
within a shared domain
for we do know that it is Hashem who makes
a Shidduch, and we, there to be anointed
or to pass the gauntlet